Mountaingear blog

Hiking the Cirque de la Solitude GR20 Section

You can picture yourself standing at the top of a deep chasm. Sheer rock walls fall away to nothing. The stone is hard and cold and you are wondering what on earth you are doing here, on the Cirque de la Solitude GR20 route right up at the very top of Corsica.

The answer is simple. It is beautiful, so beautiful you want to cry. And you are doing it, the toughest marked hiking trail in Europe. And you know you will feel absolutely fabulous when you are done. But first you have to go down the Cirque de la Solitude and then back up again. Can you do it? Yes you can. I’ll tell you how.

The first thing to remember about hiking the Cirque de la solitude GR20 is that you do not have to be a mountaineer to do it. If you have experience on rock and have done trad climbing or scrambling you will probably enjoy it a whole lot more. But the truth is that there are enough chains and ladders on the hard bits that in good weather it really is not beyond the reach of most people. In my group were some people with no experience on rock and they managed just fine. In a group ahead of us, one or two of the people froze up and were terrified of the feeling of exposure from being so high up. Yet they still managed just fine by moving slowly and steadily.

Here are my tips for the Cirque de la Solitude

A section of chain on the Cirque de la Solitude GR20

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